The *input_text command is used for displaying a text box that allows the player to type in some English alphanumeric characters. It is commonly used to allow the player to input a name for their character.
In order to use this command, you must *create a string variable in startup.txt (or create a *temp (temporary) variable in the scene file) to be modified by the player's input.
*temp first_name "" What is your name? *input_text first_name
In this case, the player's input is being saved to a "string" (textual) variable called "first_name", allowing it to be used in the story as required, such as displaying on the Stats screen, or spoken by another character when addressing the player-character.
More commands / functions | |
Choice | *choice, *fake_choice, *disable_reuse, *hide_reuse, *allow_reuse, *selectable_if |
Variable | *create, *temp, *set, Arithmetic operators, *delete, *input_number, *input_text, *print, *rand |
Conditional | *if, *elseif, *else, Multireplace |
Goto | *label, *goto, *goto_scene, *goto_random_scene, *gosub, *gosub_scene, *finish |
Formatting | Bold text, Italic text, *image, *line_break, *page_break, *link, *stat_chart |
Miscellaneous | *comment, *scene_list, *title, *author, *achieve, *achievement, *check_achievements, *bug, *ending, *more_games, *share_this_game, *show_password, *script, Implicit Control Flow |